Why should you invest in our students?
Providing students with meaningful and enriching academic and experiential learning is our goal! This ensures that we expand our students' knowledge and help them achieve in school, in their careers and in life. However, we cannot do this alone. You're part of this picture! Our schools cannot fully operate on the public per-pupil allocation we receive. Therefore, to strengthen our efforts and realize our vision, we count on the support of caring community members, motivated parents and those who believe in a quality education for all of our students.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
If you wish to donate by mail, please send a check made payable to iLearn Schools, Inc. to: iLearn Schools, ATTN: Beanne DeGuzman, 33-00 Broadway Suite 301 Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Another way to donate to iLearn Schools: When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase to iLearn Schools. Go to smile.amazon.com and choose iLearn as your nonprofit organization.
Can't donate yet but willing to invest your time?
Volunteers are an essential part of our efforts to ensure academic achievement for every student in every school. Apart from volunteering being a rewarding experience, iLearn Schools appreciate everything that volunteers do to help us achieve our mission – to provide the best academic and experiential learning environment for our students to achieve their goals.
By offering time and effort, volunteers make a valuable contribution toward the success and well-being of our students.
You can make a huge difference! If you are interested in supporting our schools through meaningful volunteerism, please click this link to sign up.
If you would like to learn more information about these opportunities, you may contact Beanne DeGuzman at bdeguzman@ilearnschools.org or 201-773-9140 ext. 11134
***Some volunteer opportunities may require a background check especially activities that involve supervising students or working with students without another school employee.
Want to be involved in other ways?
Contact Beanne DeGuzman at bdeguzman@ilearnschools.org or 201-773-9140 ext. 11134